Monday, October 05, 2009

The butterfly effect.... (from Chaos theory) every damn little thing is important

Just read a story about how a word of kindness at the right time made a child change his mind about leaving life.
It got me thinking  how in life every moment, every tiny thing, is really just as important as any other, - without that tiny thing, the other things would not happen, the big things would not happen.

How a small child is treated by a teacher one day at school and that treatment in the mix of all things can determine the path of nations.

It does not mean I don't aim for different "small things"
Choice and aim and purpose still exist, and yet every tiny little thing, however insiginficant seeming makes a difference and is part of the story of life. And yet: we are not responsible for all things... all I can do is the best according to the light within me.

There is not really any big or small or important or unimportant... those are all human things...things that humans add.

The butterfly effect.... (from Chaos theory)

But lest we are overwhelmed: all things work out perfectly in the end. There is that mysterious trust....

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