Thursday, October 01, 2009

Power - its limits - it's seductive illusions

Power: the strength to get what I want.
To do what I WANT
I see and I judge: "yes, I can do this. I can FORCE this "
Yet always and ever, there is something and someone stronger.
for every power which ever existed and will exist
there is a greater,
there is a stronger power.
I may be clever and strong in mind and have power in the University where I work, yet that is nothing, if I am taken to the rice fields or to dig ditches. There the power I have at the University is - nothing.

So power is a gift.
it is not a part of ME,
it is not ME.
it is a gift.
It is given me where I am now.
It can be taken away.
Life is short.
The body is fragile

And like alcohol, can make me drunk
it makes me believe I am invincible.
I'm not.
A small microbe,
a bullet,
an accident
my body
all have their own power

use it wisely use it well.

Power: man's best friend, and worst enemy

inspired by the scene Kushiel's Justice where Imriel challengesBerlik, the 
Maghuinn Dhomm. Imriel's skills may be powerful in his own world, but against the power of Berlik he is like a child. Berlik warns him..."you don't want to do that" and Imriel is given a small glimpse of the true nature of the power he has thought of challenging. 1Oct09

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