Monday, April 02, 2018

row row row your boat.... life is but a dream.....

And then I woke up.... so glad it was just a dream.

But while you were IN the dream, you  felt it was the only reality ?

Yes. Sometimes I dream and I know it's a dream, but that's rare.

What if life is like that ?
What if we are in a dream, and when we die we 'wake up' ?

That's a strange idea, I don't know I believe it. 

I'm not saying it is TRUE, just imagine if it was like that. What would you feel ? How would life be different ? 

Nice, I think it would be nice. 
But hang on, wouldn't people want to die to wake up and go 'home' ?

I don't know. Maybe. 
For me I want to do stuff, achieve things. That's what keeps me here. 
Most people feel that I think. 


It's an idea that pops up every now and then, but not in our culture.
Have you heard of the 'Dream of Akinosuke' ?


Lafacadio Hearn, the Japanologist wrote it, over a hundred years ago now. 

But isn't that just a nice fairy tale ? 

What is ? 

Going home, waking up and being in a more real beautiful place ? 

You mean it's too easy, too simple and not "tough enough?" 

Kind of yes. 

Sure, if "you want it darker" go for it   :-) 

No, I want to know the truth. 

Sure, we all do. 
But imagine this: a universe where you experience whatever you believe. 
Your truths will always be confirmed. 

Ha ha... now that would be interesting. 
But who's to know ? 

You can't 'know' with your mind, you can play with  the idea in your imagination. 


Well that's my way anyway. 
If you want double blind six sigma proof for everything, feel free, be my guest, enjoy that you universe :-P 

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