I know it's kind of fashionable to talk about "THE NOW".
Nonetheless, I'll do just that, -briefly ;-)
When I really pay attention to what is going inside me I see that most of the time, I'm rejecting the current moment as:
- not good enough
- not nice enough
- I don't want to be where I am NOW.
- I simply don't like this moment.
By "reject" I don't mean I do this in words.
I mean is it more of a magnetic kind of like or dislike..... an intent, like a force in a different dimension. Hard to put into words something that is beyond words.
The pathwork people and the lectures of Eva Pierrakos talk about a "forcing current" in the soul, something like that, - kind of describes it.
I tried a small experiment: I made myself pay attention to that forcing current, to the force of 'dislike of this moment' and then I realized how much I tried to escape it.
After a while I was able to accept it, as it was. This is IT.
Ok fine.
And the next moment I'm back to normal, rushing out of the moment.
I think that accepting the moment as it IS still leaves open the choice of seeing it in positive light. Of making the most of it.
Sing, laugh, enjoy it in any way I choose ....
That's it for this blog... brief as I promised. ;-)
9Jun09 found this quote in a story of a monk and his teacher:
...... When he returned, now older, he responded that the secret of the source of life and its preservation were associated with accepting what naturally arises and bringing love and compassion into the world. The master agreed and encouraged the monk to continue his good work of compassionate service. [ref 1]
For follow up: moment by moment, instant by instant awareness of feelings inside while in front of a computer... computers has a mirror quality.... (for future posts)
[ref 1] from a Qi Gong newsletter June2009:
A young monk felt he was prepared to deepen his cultivation practice and his master gave the
assignment to cultivate inner quiet and discover the secret of the source of life and its
application to the preservation of health and vitality. He gave the suggestion to focus on the
Earth Elixir Field (Di Dan Tian). After some months of practice the young monk reported to
the master that he felt sure that the most practical answer regarding the secret was
nourishment, rest and the conservation of Qi and inner resources. The master encouraged
the young monk, “You have found the secret to preserve the Jing and sustain the body, but
you have not found the source of life.” The master teacher asked the young monk if he was
still interested in pursuing the deeper secret. The monk nodded and the elder gave him the
suggestion to focus on the HeartMind Elixir Field (Xin Dan Tian).
This time it was considerably longer before the monk visited the elder. When he returned, now older, he responded that
the secret of the source of life and its preservation were associated with accepting what naturally arises and bringing
love and compassion into the world. The master agreed and encouraged the monk to continue his good work of
compassionate service. The monk said to the master, “I know that I have penetrated to the secret of highly refined
interactions of the Qi and the opening of the HeartMind. It has inspired me to service of my fellow humans. It is clear
that this sustains life, my own and others. But I have not determined the secret of the source of life.” The master
suggested, “Focus on the Celestial Elixir Field (Ling Dan Tian), the entry place of Heaven in the living human being.”
Some years passed. When the younger monk returned he was older. The elder monk said, “Tell me in one word”. The
younger monk said, “Unity”. They both smiled quietly, knowing their was nothing more to say. They parted, both
knowing. even though they would not meet again, that they were always together at the Source.